January 2021
Circuit includes a print driver which includes page setup, print range selection and, optionally, adding a customised Watermark to every sheet to be printed.
Use the Watermark feature to add any text, for example "Draft", "For Approval", "Created By xxx" and a date perhaps to your print output.
To initiate using the print driver, open a project (no need to double-click into any project Sheet).
Basic Printing
From the main menu choose File > Page Setup...
When Circuit is first started you'll get the Printer defaults...
Adjust these to a Size: that suits your printer paper (or PDF output) and an Orientation of Landscape (unless of course the default values actually suit your required printer output)...
Press [OK] to finish.
Next, let's preview our print job, choose File > Print Preview...
In this example we have an 11 Sheet project and we are in Edit Mode of Sheet 4. The option of Watermark has not been selected.
Press [OK] and the print preview dialogue will render the print job...
To print this preview, press the Print button on the top left hand corner of the dialogue...
Follow the instructions to select and use your required printer or PDF driver.
Add Watermark
Alternatively, you may add a Watermark to be embossed on every Sheet of the printed output...
With experiment, set the X and Y co-ordinates of the Watermark to fit the Sheet as you require...
Be sure to save the project once your Watermark configuration is good.
Colour Options
For the most part, most folks will be printing to PDF, and so printing to colour is preferred.
However, the print driver includes the options to print to greyscale and black & white if required though...
Color provides the highest definition, Greyscale is very good, Black & White renders the lowest quality when converting images.
That's all for using the Print driver for now.