XML Control Circuit Help
October 2020
XML Control Circuit is a simple 2D Electrical CAD program built from the ground up to focus on getting the salient electrical design intent conveyed.
"Practise Makes Perfect"
Essential Topics
Below are links to Circuit Help Topics in the order they should be reviewed to get you up and running...
Installation & Help - Installing Circuit, help resources and support options
Getting Started - This is a must read after first installation of the software
Project Manager - Describes setting up a new project, plus a preamble on file types
Sheet Setup - Setting up a new schematic Sheet plus using Edit Mode
Basic Drawing - How to draw basic shapes, select objects, resize and move them
Create Symbol - Create a basic symbol, add wire-nodes, add component data
Using Symbols - How to view and apply symbols in your project, plus using Groups
Basic Data - Basic Data input and creating a simple Bill of Materials
Simple Circuit - Create a simple circuit plus using Automatic Wires
Wire Numbers - Add Wire Numbers to the simple circuit and automate numbering
Create Border - Create a custom Border, add dynamic Texts, apply Border to a project
Cross References - Using Interruption Points to extend connections across Sheets
Coils & Contacts - Creating cross references between Coils and Contacts
Terminals - Adding Terminals to a circuit, plus the automatic numbering of them
Printing - Set up printing of a project with print preview, plus adding a Watermark
SVG / PDF Export - Export your project to Scalable Vector Graphic format and HTML with dynamic features
Zoom - Zoom control of circuit sheets
Additional Topics
Below are links to Circuit Help Topics that present various features and functions to assist in your design and help manage your projects...
Navigator - Using the Sheet Navigator to move quickly between Sheets plus other short-cuts
Project Tools - Using various tools, functions and features to manage your Circuit Projects easily
Images - Using Images, plus the tools and features to help move and manage them
Search & Replace - Using the Find, Replace and Global Update dialogues to search for and change values
Using Libraries - Using Symbol, Border and Form libraries, creating content and adding that content to projects
Texts Part 1 - Using Text objects, basic features, plus application and purpose of gene, element and other properties
Texts Part 2 - Continuation from Texts Part 1, as there is quite a lot of detail here
Selectable  - How to set and reset any item as "selectable" to assist in selection precision
Development Topics
Below are links to Circuit Help Topics that present various features and functions that are considered "under development" or "not feature complete"...
Polygons - Creating simple polygon objects, colouring them and adding hatching styles
Some icons in Circuit are courtesy of...